PreFab, the clothes recycling operation of the Cardiff YMCA Housing Association (of which I’m acting Chair) came second in the Third Sector Environmental Awards on 29th January 2015
Had a great evening at the Marriott Hotel in Cardiff at the awards dinner – meeting old friends and getting up to receive the award from Jason Mohammed.
Seen here with Johnathan from Class Telecoms (Sponsor), Tony Mildon (Staff), Lisa Wells (Manager), Toni Kemp (Trustee) and Jason Mohammed (BBC Wales).
PreFab runs the largest clothes recycling operation in Cardiff, collecting and processing over a tonne a week of used clothing. Everything is cleaned and pressed, and the very best goes to their clothes boutique at 7 Wellfield Road, Cardiff. Call in, telephone 029 2047 3113, or find us on Facebook at:-
PreFab Clothing – Cardiff, United Kingdom … – Facebook
PreFab is not just a recycling scheme, though. We run the largest homeless hostel in Wales, and our residents get a discount on clothes, plus many of them volunteer in the shop or at the recycling unit in Cardiff’s docks area, gaining useful skills and self confidence, and helping them to find full time employment.